In 2016, Hurricane Matthew caused widespread flooding in St. Augustine, FL. In response to the crisis the Federal Community Development Grant Block funded drainage improvements for several economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in the area. The Osiris 9 team was responsible for designing and permitting flood improvements within five of these neighborhoods, including this project at Cypress road and St. Augustine Boulevard.
Investigation and drainage modeling performed by our team revealed that a constriction at the outfall point, unmaintained ditches, and undersized driveway culverts all contributed to the flooding. Our proposed design included the conversion of collection along Cypress Road from open to closed, ditch improvements, and cross drain additions. The improvements were 3D modeled in Open Roads to check for utility conflicts and to verify the design. Detailed Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (ICPR) modeling was used to demonstrate the reduction in flood stages. Construction of the improvements was successfully completed in 2022.